Table of Contents
Site Information
- About the OESD
- Accessibility Statement
- Contact
- Contributors and Peer Reviewers
- Copyright
- Privacy Policy
- Recent Additions
- Usage Guide
Topic Specific Information
- Aging and Social Gerontology
- Crime and Law
- Death and Dying
- Ecological and Environmental
- Economic Sociology
- Family and Kinship
- Food and Agriculture
- Medical Sociology
- Politics and Policy
- Qualitative Research
- Quantitative Research
- Religion
- Role Theory
- Sex and Gender
- Sociolinguistics
- Terrorism
- World-systems
Words Starting with…
- abortion
- absolute monarchy
- absolute poverty
- acculturation
- achieved status
- achievement
- achievement motivation
- acting crowd
- action sociology
- activity theory
- acute disease
- adelphogamy
- adjustment sociology
- administrative sociology
- advocate
- advocate sociology
- affective individualism
- affinity
- affirmative action
- agamy
- age
- age cohort
- ageism
- age norm
- age stratification theory
- agency
- agent of socialization
- aggregate
- aging
- agrarian society (agricultural society)
- agreement reality
- agriculture
- agroterrorism
- alcoholism
- alienation
- alliance
- allocation of resources
- ally
- alternative movement (alternative social movement)
- altruism
- amalgamation
- ambilineal descent
- American Dream
- analysis
- ancestor
- androcentrism
- androcracy
- androgyny
- androsexuality
- animatism
- animism
- anomie
- anonymity
- anthropology
- anticipatory socialization
- antipositivism
- applied sociology
- argot
- arranged marriage
- asceticism
- ascribed status
- asexuality
- assembling perspective
- assimilation
- association
- assymetrical exchange
- assymetry hypothesis
- atheism
- attribute
- attrition
- Auguste Comte
- aunt
- authoritarian leadership
- authoritarianism
- authority
- autocracy
- automation
- avunculocal residence
- baby boomer
- barter
- bedroom community
- behavior
- belief
- belief system
- bias
- bifurcation
- bigamy
- bigotry
- bilateral descent
- bilineal descent
- bilocal residence
- biological determinism
- biological reductionism
- bioterrorism
- birth rate
- bisexuality
- black market (black economy)
- blended family
- blue-collar
- blue-collar worker
- bourgeoisie
- bride
- bride price
- brother
- Buddhism
- bureaucracy
- bystander approach
- cadre
- cancer cluster
- capital
- capital flight
- capitalism
- capitalization
- career inheritance
- carrying capacity
- case
- case study
- caste
- caste system
- casual crowd
- category (social category)
- celibacy
- cenogamy
- census
- centenarian
- charismatic authority
- chemical terrorism
- child
- child abuse
- Christianity
- chronic disease
- civics
- clan
- class (social class)
- class conflict
- class consciousness
- class system
- class trait
- clear division of labor
- coalition
- code of ethics
- coercion
- coercive organization
- cohabitation
- cohort
- cohort effect
- cohort study
- coin
- collective behavior
- collective consciousness
- coming out
- command economy
- commodification
- commodity
- common
- common-law marriage
- communism
- comparable worth
- concentric zone model
- confidentiality
- conflict theory
- conformity
- Confucianism
- conglomerate
- conjugal family
- conjugal role
- consanguinity
- conspicuous consumption
- constant
- constitutional monarchy
- content analysis
- contest
- contested illness
- continuer
- continuity theory
- continuum
- contraception
- control group
- conventional crowd
- core nations
- cornucopian theory
- corrections system
- correlation
- correlation coefficient
- cosmology
- counterculture
- court
- cousin
- covenant marriage
- credential inflation
- credential society
- credentialism
- crime
- criminal justice system
- criminology
- critical realism (CR)
- cronyism
- cross-cousin
- cross-sectional analysis
- cross-sectional data
- crowd
- cult
- cultivated
- cultural capital
- cultural contact
- cultural diffusion
- cultural ecology
- cultural environment
- cultural hybridization
- cultural imperialism
- cultural pluralism
- cultural relativism
- cultural transmission
- cultural universals
- culture
- culture jamming
- culture lag
- culture maker
- culture of prejudice
- culture shock
- culture war
- cybercrime
- cyberterrorism
- data
- data analysis
- data archive
- data file
- data item
- data point
- data set
- data source
- daughter
- Davis-Moore thesis
- debriefing
- debt bondage
- deduction
- deficiency disease
- degradation ceremony
- deindustrialization
- deinstitutionalization of marriage
- demedicalization
- democracy
- democratic leadership
- demography
- denomination
- dependency culture
- dependency ratio
- dependency theory
- dependent variable
- descendant
- descent
- descent group
- descriptive statistics
- detached observation
- determinism
- deviance (social deviance)
- diagnostic framing
- dichotomy
- dictatorship
- digamy
- digital divide
- DINK (dual income no kids)
- direct democracy
- discipline
- discovery
- discrimination
- disease
- disengagement theory
- disorder
- distribution
- divination
- division of labor (social division of labor)
- divorce
- divorce probability
- divorce rate
- divorced family
- doctrine
- doing gender
- domestic group
- domestic labor
- domestic terrorism
- dominant group
- double standard
- downward mobility (downward social mobility)
- dowry
- dramaturgical analysis
- dual-career marriage
- duolocal residence
- dyad
- dynamic equilibrium
- dysfunction
- ecclesia
- ecological fallacy
- ecology
- economic
- economic determinism
- economic reductionism
- economic system
- economics
- economism
- economy
- ecoterrorism
- education
- egalitarian authority
- egalitarian society
- egalitarianism
- egocentrism
- elder abuse
- embourgeoisement
- emergent norm theory
- emigration
- émigré
- Émile Durkheim
- empirical evidence
- empty nest
- enculturation
- endemic disease
- endogamy
- environment
- environmentalism
- environmental racism
- environmental sociology
- epidemiology
- epistemology
- e-readiness
- e-self
- essentialism
- established sect
- estate
- estate system
- ethnic cleansing
- ethnicity
- ethnocentrism
- ethnography
- ethnomethodology
- euthanasia
- e-waste
- exogamy
- expectation
- experiment
- experimental group
- explicit culture
- explicit rules
- expressive crowd
- expressive leader
- expressive role
- expulsion
- extended family
- extralegal dispute
- exurb
- false consciousness
- familification
- family
- family life cycle
- family of orientation
- family of procreation
- family planning
- family role
- family size
- father
- felony
- feminism
- feminization of poverty
- fertility rate
- fetish
- feudalism
- fictive kin
- field experiment
- field note
- field research
- figuration
- filial piety
- fine arts
- folkway
- force
- forgery
- formal education
- formal norm (formal social norm)
- formal organization
- formal sanction (formal social sanction)
- Fourth World
- fraud
- function
- functionalism
- fundamentalism
- gatekeeping
- gender
- gender binary
- gender gap
- gender identification
- gender identity
- gender role
- gender socialization
- genealogy
- generalizability
- generalized other
- generation
- genetic disorder
- genocide
- gentrification
- geriatrics
- gerontocracy
- gerontology
- gerotranscendence
- glass ceiling
- global assembly line
- global city
- global commodity chain
- global inequality
- globalization
- global perspective
- global stratification
- go-between
- good (goods)
- government
- grade inflation
- grammar
- grandfather
- grandmother
- grandparent
- gray divorce
- gray market
- grief
- groom
- grounded theory
- group (social group)
- group marriage
- groupthink
- guest worker
- gynesexuality
- gynocentrism
- gynocracy
- habitualization
- hate crime
- Hawthorne effect
- head of household
- Head Start Program
- health
- hedonism
- hegemony
- heterogamy
- heterosexism
- heterosexuality
- hidden curriculum
- hierarchy
- hierarchy of authority
- high culture
- Hinduism
- holism
- homework
- homicide
- homogamy
- homophobia
- homosexuality
- horizontal mobility (horizontal social mobility)
- horticultural society
- horticulture
- hospice
- household
- household allocative system
- household work strategy
- human ecology
- humanism
- humanity
- hunting and gathering
- husband
- hypergamy
- hypogamy
- hypothesis
- hypothetico-deductive model
- ideal culture
- idiographic
- illegal
- immigration
- impersonality
- incest
- incest taboo
- income
- independent variable
- individual
- individual discrimination
- induction
- inductive model
- industrialism
- industrial society
- inequality
- infectious disease
- inferential statistics
- informal education
- informal norm (informal social norm)
- informal sanction (informal social sanction)
- informant
- information society
- informed consent
- infralegal dispute
- in-group
- inheritance
- in-law
- innovation
- instinct
- institution (social institution)
- institutional discrimination
- institutionalization
- instrumental leader
- instrumental role
- intercultural marriage
- interest convergence
- intergenerational mobility (intergenerational social mobility)
- international
- international terrorism
- interpretive framework
- intersectionality
- interview
- intimate partner violence (IPV)
- intragenerational mobility (intragenerational social mobility)
- invention
- isogamy
- Karl Marx
- kinesics
- kinship
- knowledge gap
- laissez-faire leadership
- language
- larceny
- latent function
- law
- leader
- leadership
- leadership function
- leadership style
- legal
- legitimacy
- legitimation
- letters
- levirate marriage
- lexicography
- liberation theology
- life course
- life expectancy
- lifestyle
- lineage
- linguistic relativity
- loiter
- longitudinal effect
- longitudinal study
- looking-glass self
- lookism
- low culture
- Machiavellian
- macrosociology
- magic
- malnutrition
- mana
- manifest function
- manslaughter
- mantra
- market economy
- market exchange
- market socialism
- marriage
- marriage certificate
- marriage gradient
- marriage system
- Marx, Karl (1818–1883)
- Marxism
- mass
- mass culture
- master status
- matching hypothesis
- material culture
- matriarchal authority
- matriarchy
- matrilineal descent
- matrilocal residence
- Max Weber (1864–1920)
- McDonaldization
- means of production
- media
- media globalization
- medicalization
- medicalization of deviance
- medical sociology
- megachurch
- megalopolis
- member
- meritocracy
- method
- methodology
- metropolis
- microculture
- microsociology
- migration
- minority
- misdemeanor
- missing class
- mixed economy
- mobility (social mobility)
- mode of production
- model minority
- modernization
- moiety
- monandry
- monarchy
- money
- monogamy
- monotheism
- mood disorder
- moot
- moral development
- mores
- morpheme
- morphology
- mortality rate
- mother
- multicultural
- murder
- myth
- mythology
- naïve realism
- narcoterrorism
- national
- natural history study
- nature versus nurture
- necessary condition
- negative correlation
- negative sanction (negative social sanction)
- neo-Luddite
- neolocal residence
- nephew
- nepotism
- new social movement theory
- niece
- NIMBY (Not in My Back Yard)
- No Child Left Behind Act
- nomothetic
- nonlinguistic symbol
- nonmaterial culture
- nonreactive research
- nonunilineal descent
- nonviolent crime
- norm (social norm)
- norm of legitimacy
- nuclear family
- nuclear terrorism
- null hypothesis
- numeric variable
- objectification
- objectivity
- observation
- occupation
- occupational disease
- oligarchy
- open marriage
- open relationship
- operationalization
- ordeal
- organization (social organization)
- organized crime
- out-group
- outsourcing
- outwork
- overpopulation
- panoptic surveillance
- pansexuality
- paradigm
- parallel descent
- parallel-cousin
- parent
- partible inheritance
- participant observation
- partner
- pastoralism
- patriarchal authority
- patriarchal dividend
- patriarchy
- patrilineal descent
- patrilocal residence
- peer group
- penology
- people
- peripheral nations
- permaculture
- person
- personified supernatural force
- phenomenology
- phenomenon
- phoneme
- phonology
- phratry
- physical anthropology
- physical environment
- physician-assisted suicide
- planned obsolescence
- police
- policy (social policy)
- political system
- politics
- polyamory
- polyandry
- polygamy
- polygyny
- polytheism
- popular culture
- population
- population composition
- population pyramid
- positive correlation
- positive sanction (positive social sanction)
- positivism
- posthumous
- postmarital residence
- postmodernism
- poverty
- poverty line
- poverty trap
- power
- power elite
- prayer
- prejudice
- prestige
- priest
- primary aging
- primary group
- primary prevention
- primogeniture
- Privacy Policy
- privilege
- pro-feminist
- probability
- production
- prognostic framing
- proletariat
- proxemics
- psephology
- public
- public policy
- race
- racial steering
- racism
- ramage
- random sample
- rank society
- rate
- rationalization
- rational-legal authority
- raw data
- real culture
- recidivism
- reciprocal exchange
- redistribution
- redistribution of wealth
- reductionism
- reference group
- reform movement (reform social movement)
- refugee
- relations of production
- relationship
- relative
- relative poverty
- reliability
- religion
- religious belief
- religious movement (religious social movement)
- remarriage
- representative democracy
- research
- residence
- resistance movement (resistance social movement)
- resocialization
- resource mobilization theory
- respondent
- retrospective study
- revitalization movement
- revolutionary movement
- rite of passage
- ritual
- role (social role)
- role ambiguity (social role ambiguity)
- role conflict (social role conflict)
- role distancing (social role distancing)
- role exit (social role exit)
- role expectation (social role expectation)
- roleless role (social roleless role)
- role model (social role model)
- role partner (social role partner)
- role performance (social role performance)
- role reversal (social role reversal)
- role segregation (social role segregation)
- role set (social role set)
- role strain (social role strain)
- role structure (social role structure)
- role taking (social role taking)
- role theory (social role theory)
- role transition (social role transition)
- romantic love
- ruler
- sacrifice
- same gender loving (SGL)
- sample
- sanction (social sanction)
- sandwich generation
- scapegoat theory
- scientific racism
- second shift
- secondary aging
- secondary analysis
- secondary group
- sect
- secularization
- segregated conjugal-role relationship
- segregation
- self
- self-concept
- self-fulfilling prophecy
- self-redress
- self-report study
- semantics
- semi-peripheral nations
- senescence
- separation
- serial monogamy
- service (services)
- sex
- sex assigned at birth (SAAB)
- sexism
- sex ratio
- sexual discrimination
- sexual identity
- sexuality
- sexual minority
- sexuality
- shaman
- sibling
- sick role
- significant other
- single-parent family
- singlehood
- singular they
- sister
- sizism
- skipped generation family
- slash-and-burn
- social
- social acceptance
- social action
- social capital
- social change
- social constructionism
- social construction of race
- social control
- social determinism
- social fact
- social gerontology
- social marginality
- socialism
- socialization
- social movement
- social network
- social reductionism
- social science
- social situation
- social statistics
- society
- sociobiology
- sociolinguistics
- sociological imagination
- sociology
- sociometry
- solidarity (social solidarity)
- son
- sorcery
- sororate marriage
- speech
- spirit possession
- sponsored mobility
- spouse
- spurious relationship
- standard
- State
- State autonomy
- State capitalism
- Stateless society
- State-sponsored terrorism
- statistic
- statistical analysis
- statistical independence
- statistics
- status (social status)
- status consistency
- status declassing
- status lender
- status offense
- status quo
- status symbol
- stereotype
- stigma
- stigmatization
- stockbroker belt
- stratification (social stratification)
- stratified society
- street crime
- structural mobility
- structural unemployment
- structure (social structure)
- study
- subculture
- subfamily
- subject
- subjectivity
- subsistence economy
- subsistence farming
- subsistence strategy
- substantive hypothesis
- suburb
- succession
- sufficient condition
- suicide
- supernatural
- support
- supranational
- survey (social survey)
- symbol
- symbolic interactionism
- symmetrical exchange
- symmetrical family
- syntax
- system (social system)
- systematic
- taboo
- tacit culture
- technological diffusion
- technology
- technophile
- tendency
- terrorism
- thanatology
- theocracy
- theory
- theoterrorism
- Thomas theorem
- total institution
- totalitarianism
- totemism
- tourism
- tracking
- traditional authority
- transcendent value
- transnational
- trend study
- triad
- tribe
- typically
- typology
- ultimate problem
- ultimogeniture
- uncle
- underemployment
- underground economy
- unilineal descent
- unilocal rule
- unit of analysis
- unit of observation
- unit of production
- universal access
- unrefined
- upward mobility (upward social mobility)
- urbanization
- urban renewal
- urban sociology
- utilitarian organization
- validity
- value
- value-added theory
- value neutrality
- variable
- Verstehen
- vice crime
- victimless crime
- violent crime
- voluntary organization
- voluntary participation
- war crime
- wealth
- Weber, Max (1864–1920)
- white-collar
- white-collar crime
- white-collar worker
- white flight
- white privilege
- widow
- wife
- work
- world-systems theory
- worldview
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