R Words
racial steering
(noun) When real estate agents guide home buyers away from or towards certain neighborhoods on the basis of race and ethnicity.
random sample
(noun) A sample that ensures that every member of a population has an equal chance of inclusion.
rational-legal authority
(noun) A type of power legitimized by laws, rules, norms, and procedures
(noun) A long-term process whereby beliefs based on morality or superstition are replaced by rules and procedures based on logic and efficiency.
real culture
(noun) The standards and values a society actually has, instead of pretends or tries to have.
reciprocal exchange
(noun) The nonmarket transfer of goods or services between two or more people based on role-determined obligations.
(noun) The transfer of goods or services between people and groups to a central authority for allocation.
redistribution of wealth
(noun) The transfer of income, property, or wealth from one individual or group to another individual or group.
1. (noun) The principle that the whole can be best understood by examining its parts; 2. (noun) Reducing the complex into fundamental parts for analysis.
reference group
(noun) A group to which an individual is compared or compares themselves.
reform movement (reform social movement)
(noun) A social movement that wants to change a specific facet of society.
relations of production
(noun) The relationship between the owners of the means of production and laborers.