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Definition of Feminization of Poverty
(noun) The tendency for more women to live in poverty compared to men, and the factors that contribute to this phenomenon.
Feminization of Poverty Pronunciation
Syllabification: fem·i·ni·za·tion of pov·er·ty
Audio Pronunciation
Phonetic Spelling
- American English – /fem-uh-nuh-zAY-shuhn uhv pAHv-uhr-tee/
- British English – /fe-mi-nie-zAY-shuhn UHv pOv-uh-tee/
International Phonetic Alphabet
- American English: /ˌfɛmənəˈzeɪʃən əv ˈpɑvɚtɪ/
- British English: /ˌfemɪnaɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n ˈəv ˈpɒvətɪ/
Usage Notes
- Plural: feminizations of poverty
- Feminization of poverty has many causes, including child care costs; divorce and its effects; and government policies related to leave and other benefits (Wagner 2014:155).
- Feminization of poverty can be studied at three levels: local, national, and global. In particular, the name given to this study at the global level is global feminization of poverty.
- Variant spelling: feminisation of poverty
Related Quotation
- “There is an ordering of versions of femininity and masculinity at the level of the whole society, in some ways analogous to the patterns of face-to-face relations with institution. the possibilities of variation, of course, are vastly greater. The sheer complexity of relationships involving millions of people guarantees that ethnic differences and generational differences as well as class patterns come into play. But in key aspects the organization of gender on the very large scale must be more skeletal and simplified than the human relationships in face-to-face milieux. The forms of femininity and masculinity constituted at this level are stylized and impoverished. Their interrelation is centred on the single structural fact, the global dominance of men over women” (Connell 1987:183).
Related Videos
Additional Information
- Word origin of “feminization” and “poverty” – Online Etymology Dictionary:
- Newman, Katherine S., and Victor Tan Chen. 2007. The Missing Class: Portraits of the Near Poor in America. Boston: Beacon Press.
- Shipler, David K. 2004. The Working Poor: Invisible in America. New York: Knopf.
- Smith, Laura. 2010. Psychology, Poverty, and the End of Social Exclusion: Putting our Practice to Work. New York: Teachers College Press.
- Tach, Laura M., and Sara Sternberg Greene. 2014. “‘Robbing Peter to Pay Paul’: Economic and Cultural Explanations for How Lower-Income Families Manage Debt.” Social Problems 61(1):1–21. doi:10.1525/sp.2013.11262.
- Tirado, Linda. 2014. Hand to Mouth: Living in Bootstrap America. New York: Putnam.
Related Terms
Connell, R. W. 1987. Gender and Power: Society, the Person, and Sexual Politics. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Wagner, Geraldine. 2014. “The Poor & the Working Poor.” Pp. 171–183 in Defining Class: Sociology Reference Guide, edited by Salem Press. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press.
Works Consulted
Andersen, Margaret L., and Howard Francis Taylor. 2011. Sociology: The Essentials. 6th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Bilton, Tony, Kevin Bonnett, Pip Jones, David Skinner, Michelle Stanworth, and Andrew Webster. 1996. Introductory Sociology. 3rd ed. London: Macmillan.
Bruce, Steve, and Steven Yearley. 2006. The SAGE Dictionary of Sociology. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
Ferris, Kerry, and Jill Stein. 2010. The Real World: An Introduction to Sociology. 2nd ed. New York: Norton.
Henslin, James M. 2012. Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach. 10th ed. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Holmes, Mary. 2009. Gender and Everyday Life. London: Routledge.
Kuper, Adam, and Jessica Kuper, eds. 1996. The Social Science Encyclopedia. 2nd ed. London: Routledge.
Kendall, Diana. 2011. Sociology in Our Times. 8th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Kimmel, Michael S., and Amy Aronson. 2012. Sociology Now. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Macionis, John. 2012. Sociology. 14th ed. Boston: Pearson.
Macionis, John, and Kenneth Plummer. 2012. Sociology: A Global Introduction. 4th ed. Harlow, England: Pearson Education.
Ravelli, Bruce, and Michelle Webber. 2016. Exploring Sociology: A Canadian Perspective. 3rd ed. Toronto: Pearson.
Ritzer, George, ed. 2007. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Ritzer, George, and J. Michael Ryan, eds. 2011. The Concise Encyclopedia of Sociology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Schaefer, Richard. 2013. Sociology: A Brief Introduction. 10th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Scott, Jacquelyn Thayer, Judith Treas, and Martin Richards, eds. 2007. The Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Families. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Shepard, Jon M. 2010. Sociology. 11th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Shepard, Jon M., and Robert W. Greene. 2003. Sociology and You. New York: Glencoe.
Stolley, Kathy S. 2005. The Basics of Sociology. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Stewart, Paul, and Johan Zaaiman, eds. 2015. Sociology: A Concise South African Introduction. Cape Town: Juta.
Thompson, William E., and Joseph V. Hickey. 2012. Society in Focus: An Introduction to Sociology. 7th ed. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Cite the Definition of Feminization of Poverty
ASA – American Sociological Association (5th edition)
Bell, Kenton, ed. 2015. “feminization of poverty.” In Open Education Sociology Dictionary. Retrieved January 16, 2025 (
APA – American Psychological Association (6th edition)
feminization of poverty. (2015). In K. Bell (Ed.), Open education sociology dictionary. Retrieved from
Chicago/Turabian: Author-Date – Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition)
Bell, Kenton, ed. 2015. “feminization of poverty.” In Open Education Sociology Dictionary. Accessed January 16, 2025.
MLA – Modern Language Association (7th edition)
“feminization of poverty.” Open Education Sociology Dictionary. Ed. Kenton Bell. 2015. Web. 16 Jan. 2025. <>.