false consciousness
(noun) A Marxist term, describing when your beliefs and values are in conflict with your own interests, thus you support a system that oppresses you.
(noun) A Marxist term, describing when your beliefs and values are in conflict with your own interests, thus you support a system that oppresses you.
(noun) “[A] process of neighborhood change whereby traditional families move into disadvantaged neighborhoods, with cultural, social, and economic consequences for those neighborhoods” (Goodsell 2013:861).
(noun) The predictable steps and patterns a family experiences over time.
(noun) A family formed through marriage, consisting of spouses and children.
(noun) A position within a family such as parent or child that determines an individual’s expected behavior.
(noun) The total number of people related by blood (consanguinity), marriage (affinity), or adoption that live together.
1. (noun) The idea that women and men should have equal legal and political rights, sexual autonomy, and self-determination (agency); 2. (noun) A social movement that advocates for economic, political, and social equality between women and men; 3. (noun) A theoretical perspective stating women are uniquely and systematically oppressed and that challenges ideas of gender and sex roles.
(noun) The tendency for more women to live in poverty compared to men, and the factors that contribute to this phenomenon.
(noun) Average number (rate) of children born to a woman in a population over her reproductive lifetime.
(noun) A kinship based on social agreements such as friendship instead of adoption, blood (consanguinity), or marriage (affinity) that creates a relationship “like family.”
(noun) The first-hand observation and data collection of people’s behavior in their natural environment.