C Words
cancer cluster
(noun) A greater-than-expected level of cancer cases in a group of people within a defined geographic area over a period of time.
capital flight
(noun) The flow (flight) of capital away from one country or investment into another.
(noun) An economic system based on market competition and the pursuit of profit, in which the means of production or capital are privately owned by individuals or corporations.
career inheritance
(noun) The tendency for children to enter the same or similar occupations as their parents.
carrying capacity
(noun) The amount of people that an area of land can support based on the amount of available resources.
case study
(noun) A detailed and in-depth study of a single case, involving an event, group, individual, or organization.
caste system
(noun) A stratified system based on a status conferred at birth (ascribed status) due to an individual’s descent in which individuals do not have mobility due to custom or law.
casual crowd
(noun) A group of people who happen to be at the same location at the same time.
1. (noun) An individual, aged 100 years old or older; 2. (adjective) Relating to an individual 100 years old or older.
charismatic authority
(noun) A type of power legitimated by perceived extraordinary characteristics that inspires devotion and obedience from followers.