panoptic surveillance
(noun) Surveillance that is constant and uneasing, sometimes barely visible, and the observed never engages with the observers.
(noun) Surveillance that is constant and uneasing, sometimes barely visible, and the observed never engages with the observers.
(noun) A nonbinary sexual status, in which an individual identifies as sexually polymorphous or encompassing all sexualities.
(noun) Tracing male descent through the father’s and female descent through the mother.
(noun) The kinship of children from same sex siblings such as two brothers or two sisters.
(noun) When inheritance is divided more or less equally among children in a family, or all the male children.
(noun) When researchers actively engage in the activity they are studying to understand it better.
(noun) The domestication and herding of animals as the primary type of food production and economic exchange.
(noun) A family or group dynamic where the father or male exerts the most power and authority.
(noun) “[T]he advantage to men as a group from maintaining an unequal gender order. Money income is not the only kind of benefit. Others are authority, respect, service, safety, housing, access to institutional power, emotional support, and control over one’s own life. The patriarchal dividend, of course, is reduced as overall gender equality grows” (Connell 2009:142).
1. (noun) A society, system, or group in which men dominate women and have the power and authority; 2. (noun) A group or family where the father or oldest male is the head of the family, with descent typically traced through the male.
(noun) When a husband and wife live with or near the husband’s family.
(noun) The people an individual socializes with, that typically inform and enforce societal norms.
(noun) In world systems theory, poor nations that have limited industrialization and uneven distribution of urbanization, that are exploited by core nations and semi-peripheral nations for their raw materials and inexpensive labor.
(noun) The development of human communities and agricultural ecosystems that are intended to be permanent and sustainable.