P Words
personified supernatural force
(noun) A force and power that resides in supernatural beings such as gods and spirits.
(noun) A philosophy and research method that studies experienced events and objects using the senses.
physical anthropology
(noun) The branch of anthropology studying the origin and variation of humankind.
physical environment
(noun) The physical world people experience through their senses.
physician-assisted suicide
(noun) When a competent individual voluntarily decides to use a lethal medication administered by a medical doctor (MD) to painlessly end their own life (commit suicide).
planned obsolescence
(noun) To increase profits by intentionally producing goods that quickly become obsolete and therefore require replacing.
policy (social policy)
(noun) Any course of action or procedure by an individual or group with authority and power that affects others.
political system
(noun) The members of a group with the authority and power to influence and implement public policy in relationship to institutions and norms.