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popular culture

(noun) Widely accessible and commonly shared aspects of culture (e.g., books, movies, TV shows) consumed by all classes (the masses), but typically associated with lower and middle classes.

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1. (noun) The total number of individuals or objects from which a sample is taken for study; 2. (noun) The people living in a given area such as a city or country.

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population composition

(noun) A demographic “snapshot” of a population based on the birth rate, migration, and mortality rate.

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population pyramid

(noun) A graphic representing a population’s distribution according to age and sex.

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positive correlation

(noun) In statistical analysis, a situation in which an increase in one variable causes an increase in another variable and vice versa.

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(noun) The doctrine that society is ordered and can be empirically understood and measured; that empirical knowledge gained through science is the best method to understand the world and all metaphysical explanations should be dismissed.

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(adjective) Occurring after an individual’s death.

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(noun) A broad and somewhat intentionally difficult to define term, typically applied to the arts and philosophy that was skeptical of “objective” universal explanations of how society and culture operate.

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(noun) The state of lacking the material and social resources an individual requires to live a healthy life.

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poverty line

(noun) The minimum level of income determined per locality to remain above a state of poverty.

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poverty trap

(noun) A scenario created when low-income individuals or families living in poverty, lose welfare or tax benefits when they secure employment or a higher salary, resulting in an overall worse economic condition because of the loss of their benefits.

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(noun) The ability of an individual, group, or institution to influence or exercise control over other people and achieve their goals despite possible opposition or resistance.

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power elite

(noun) A small group of influential and wealthy people that control a disproportionate amount of power and resources.

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1. (noun) A request or wish made to a supernatural being or power; 2. (noun) Communicating with supernatural beings or power.

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(noun) A favorable or unfavorable preconceived feeling or opinion formed without knowledge, reason, or thought that prevents objective consideration of an idea, individual, group, or thing (object).

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(noun) The socially recognized admiration, honor, or respect attached to certain roles and statuses.

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(noun) A religious specialist that acts as a go-between for an individual or group and the supernatural; they also typically preside over rituals such as death rites and marriages.

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primary aging

(noun) The type of aging caused by gradual and inevitable biological factors such as cellular and molecular changes.