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(noun) The marking, labeling or spoiling of an identity, which leads to ostracism, marginalization, discrimination, and abuse.

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stratified society

(noun) A society partly organized around formal social stratification, such as caste, class, or estate, that limits access to resources and prestige to some individuals.

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street crime

(noun) A crime, disproportionately committed by and against people in lower classes and typically in public spaces.

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structural mobility

(noun) A shift in hierarchical position of an entire class of individuals over time in society.

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structural unemployment

(noun) A type of unemployment that is caused by a mismatch between supply and demand for skills.

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structure (social structure)

(noun) The complex and stable framework of society that influences all individuals or groups through the relationship between institutions (e.g., economy, politics, religion) and social practices (e.g., behaviors, norms, and values).

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(noun) To research a subject in detail and the subsequent reporting of findings.

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(noun) A group within society whose behaviors, norms, and values differ in some distinct ways from the dominant culture.

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(noun) A family that lives with another family.

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1. (noun) The object, typically an individual or group observed in an experiment or social scene; 2. (noun) A specialized field of knowledge; 3. (noun) What is being acted upon, discussed, or studied.

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(noun) Opinions based on personal impressions that are influenced by bias and prejudices.

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subsistence economy

(noun) An economy that depends on non-market mechanisms such as reciprocity and redistribution instead of money as a means of production and exchange.

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subsistence farming

(noun) A type of farming that produces enough food to feed those who grow it and their family, but no surplus.

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(noun) A residential area outside of a city that is close enough for a daily commute.

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(noun) The transfer of a particular office or status to another individual.