(noun) Irrational fear of or prejudice against individuals who are or perceived to be gay, lesbian, bisexual, and other non-heterosexual people.
(noun) Irrational fear of or prejudice against individuals who are or perceived to be gay, lesbian, bisexual, and other non-heterosexual people.
(noun) Emotional, physical, romantic, or sexual attraction to members of the same sex based on a binary of female and male.
(noun) An individual’s or group’s (e.g., family) change in position within the stratification system that does not change their original level of class, power, or status.
(noun) A society whose primary mode of food cultivation is hand tools and small gardens.
(noun) A system of growing crops with hand-held tools, such as a hoe or digging stick, instead of draft animals or machine powered tools.
(noun) The distribution of financial resources in a household.
(noun) The division of labor among members of a household to complete work inside (e.g., childcare or laundry) and outside the home (e.g., wage labor) to provide goods and services necessary for its maintenance.
(noun) The social science that studies the relationship between people and their built or natural environment.
(noun) The foraging of uncultivated plants and undomesticated animals for subsistence.
(noun) A proposed and testable explanation between two or more variables that predicts an outcome or explains a phenomenon.
(noun) A research method in which a hypothesis is deduced from theory and observable empirical evidence is collected to test the hypothesis.