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dependency culture

(noun) A culture or lifestyle characterized by individuals’ dependency on state benefits such as welfare.

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dependency ratio

(noun) The ratio of productive workers to the non-productive people (i.e., disabled, elderly, young) in a society.

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dependency theory

(noun) Theory asserting that global economic and social inequality is caused by the historical exploitation by wealthy powerful nations appropriating resources from the least powerful poorer nations while limiting access to technology thus keeping the least powerful dependent on the most powerful.

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dependent variable

(noun) In statistical analysis, the variable being measured, which changes in response to the independent variable.

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(noun) An individual descended from a particular individual (ancestor) or group.

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(noun) The relationship between an individual and their ancestors through blood (consanguinity), marriage (affinity), or adoption.

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descent group

(noun) A group in which all members share a common ancestor.

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descriptive statistics

(noun) The branch of statistics that describes, organizes, and summarizes quantitative data in a clear and concise way either graphically or numerically.

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detached observation

(noun) An approach to research that employs emotional detachment coupled with limited interaction and the creation of categories for classifying observations.

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(noun) A theory that an individual’s actions and life course is determined by external forces.

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(noun) Two opposing parts; a distinct division.

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(noun) A type of government in which one individual or a small group has authority over the government or people of a country or State.

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(noun) A remarriage after the death or divorce of an individual’s first spouse.

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digital divide

(noun) Uneven access to technology due to inequalities between different social, cultural, and economic groups; often caused by location.

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direct democracy

(noun) A political system whereby individuals vote on policy issues directly instead of through an elected representative.