ascribed status
(noun) A status assigned at birth or assumed involuntarily later in life, often based on biological factors, that cannot be changed through individual effort or achievement.
(noun) A status assigned at birth or assumed involuntarily later in life, often based on biological factors, that cannot be changed through individual effort or achievement.
(noun) Lacking or having minimal sexual attraction, desire, or interest towards others.
(noun) The theory that individuals in crowds engage in collective action through purposeful behavior as rational thinkers.
(noun) The process of members in a subordinate group adopting aspects of a dominant group.
(noun) In statistical analysis, the degree to which two or more variables are related.
(noun) A marriage system in which the males from one group cannot marry the females of second group and must marry the females from a third group.
(noun) An hypothesis arguing a woman’s class status is determined by the occupation of her husband.
(noun) A leadership style in which a leader takes charge of all decisions, issues orders, and assigns tasks without consulting the group’s members.
(noun) A type of government that maintains near absolute control typically by force, showing little concern for public opinion, and governed by a single individual, group, or class.
(noun) The act or process of replacing human workers with machines so that tasks can be performed automatically.
(noun) When a husband and wife live with or near the husband’s maternal uncle.